Tuesday June 11, 1940

Birth of Joey Dee

Born Joseph Di Nicola is an actor and singer and founded  the Joey Dee and the Starliters.

His hottest records until now, have been "Peppermint Twist" and "Ya Ya" - both originally waxed for his L. P. Album "Damn' The Twist At The Peppermint Lounge" (ROULETTE MGRL 9411). He won a Gold Record for all three as well as a very special European award for his "Ya Ya" etching: Radio Luxem-burg's Lion. On this L.P. you will hear him as a fine, enthusiastic singer, a real Mister Twister, leading his Starliters with plenty of vigor and vitality and blowing an occasional saxophone solo. 

Also known for American Graffiti (1973), Hey, Let's Twist! (1961) and Una joven de 16 años (1963).

84 years ago

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