Wednesday March 5, 1969
Release of the album Dr. Byrds & Mr. Hyde by The Byrds
56 years ago

Dr. Byrds & Mr. Hyde Album Cover
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- 56 years ago
- Richard M. Nixon was the US president
On this date
Death of Alessandro Volta had happened 142 years prior
Birth of Rex Harrison had happened 61 years prior
Birth of Momofuku Ando had happened 59 years prior
Second Inauguration of Woodrow Wilson had happened 52 years prior
8th Academy Awards had happened 33 years prior
Death of Joseph Stalin had happened 16 years prior
Death of William deMille had happened 14 years prior
Birth of Robert Curbeam had happened 7 years prior
The Ballad of the Green Berets had happened 3 years prior
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ID: 6866