Thursday May 29, 1969
Release of the album Crosby, Stills & Nash by Crosby Stills Nash and Young
55 years ago

On the cover the members are, left to right, Nash, Stills, and Crosby, the reverse of the order of the album title.
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- 55 years ago
- Richard M. Nixon was the US president
On this date
Fall of Constantinople had happened 516 years prior
Birth of Charles II had happened 339 years prior
Birth of John Walker had happened 188 years prior
Birth of Bob Hope had happened 66 years prior
Birth of John F Kennedy had happened 52 years prior
Birth of Gary Brooker had happened 24 years prior
Birth of Mel Gaynor had happened 10 years prior
Travelin' Man had happened 8 years prior
Help Me, Rhonda had happened 4 years prior
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ID: 4990