Tuesday July 1, 1969
Release of the album A Salty Dog by Procol Harum (UK)
55 years ago
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- 55 years ago
- Richard M. Nixon was the US president
On this date
Birth of Charles Laughton had happened 70 years prior
Birth of Irna Phillips had happened 68 years prior
Death of Harriet Quimby had happened 57 years prior
Birth of Olivia de Havilland had happened 53 years prior
Birth of Debbie Harry had happened 24 years prior
Birth of Diana Princess of Wales had happened 8 years prior
Release of the album Playboy by The Marvelettes had happened 7 years prior
Zip code system introduced in the United Sates had happened 6 years prior
Release of the album And Then... Along Comes the Association by The Association had happened 3 years prior
Windy had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 4965