Thursday October 1, 1970
Release of the album New Ways But Love Stays by The Supremes
54 years ago

New Ways But Love Stays album cover
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- 54 years ago
- Richard M. Nixon was the US president
On this date
Birth of Jimmy Carter had happened 46 years prior
Birth of Julie Andrews had happened 35 years prior
Birth of Boris Morukov had happened 20 years prior
Birth of Theresa May had happened 14 years prior
Debut of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson had happened 8 years prior
Release of the album In the Wind by Peter, Paul and Mary had happened 7 years prior
Birth of Eric Boe had happened 6 years prior
Release of the album Blaze by Herman's Hermits had happened 3 years prior
Release of the album Sailor by Steve Miller Band had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 6254