Thursday April 15, 1971
43rd Academy Awards
53 years ago

43th Annual Academy Awards

Patton Movie Poster
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- 53 years ago
- Richard M. Nixon was the US president
On this date
Birth of Leonardo da Vinci had happened 519 years prior
Death of Abraham Lincoln had happened 106 years prior
Birth of Nikita Khrushchev had happened 77 years prior
Sinking of the Titanic had happened 59 years prior
Release of the Movie Cavalcade had happened 38 years prior
Birth of Marsha Ivins had happened 20 years prior
Birth of Gregory Harbaugh had happened 15 years prior
Birth of Emma Thompson had happened 12 years prior
Birth of Soichi Noguchi had happened 6 years prior
Somethin' Stupid had happened 4 years prior
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ID: 4173