Monday July 26, 1971
Launch of Apollo Mission Apollo 15
53 years ago

Apollo 15

Commander David R. Scott

Command module pilot Alfred M. Worden

Lunar module pilot James B. Irwin
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- 53 years ago
- Richard M. Nixon was the US president
On this date
Birth of Bernard Shaw had happened 115 years prior
Birth of Vivian Vance had happened 62 years prior
Birth of Mary Jo Kopechne had happened 31 years prior
Birth of Mick Jagger had happened 28 years prior
Birth of Helen Mirren had happened 26 years prior
Birth of Roger Taylor had happened 22 years prior
Birth of William McArthur Jr. had happened 20 years prior
Birth of Kevin Spacey had happened 12 years prior
Birth of Gary Cherone had happened 10 years prior
Birth of Sandra Bullock had happened 7 years prior
Landing of Apollo mission Apollo 11 had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 5237