Sunday April 16, 1972
Launch of Apollo Mission Apollo 16
52 years ago

Apollo 16
Commander John W. Young
Command Module Pilot Thomas K. Mattingly II

Lunar Module Pilot Charles M. Duke Jr.

Launch of Apollo 16

John Young saluting the United States flag while jumping up on the Moon, with the Apollo Lunar Module Orion and Lunar Roving Vehicle in the background

Apollo 16's Passive Seismic Experiment
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- 52 years ago
- Richard M. Nixon was the US president
On this date
Birth of John Muir had happened 134 years prior
Birth of Jacob Coxey Sr. had happened 118 years prior
American pilot Harriet Quimby became the first woman to fly across the English Channel had happened 60 years prior
Birth of David Brown had happened 16 years prior
Birth of Michael Barratt had happened 13 years prior
Birth of Jimmy Osmond had happened 9 years prior
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ID: 5243