Tuesday April 2, 1974
46th Academy Awards
Born jJohn Uhler Lemmon III
50 years ago

46th Annual Academy Awards
The Sting Movie Poster
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- 50 years ago
- Richard M. Nixon was the US president
On this date
Birth of Francisco Balagtas had happened 186 years prior
The Coinage Act or The Mint Act had happened 182 years prior
Birth of Clement Ader had happened 133 years prior
Birth of Alec Guinness had happened 60 years prior
Birth of William Frederick Fisher had happened 28 years prior
Birth of Keren Woodward had happened 13 years prior
The Beatles founded Apple Corps Limited to replace their earlier company Beatles Ltd. had happened 6 years prior
Release of the Movie Patton had happened 4 years prior
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ID: 4190