Monday April 3, 1978
50th Academy Awards
46 years ago

50th Annual Academy Awards

Annie Hall Movie Poster
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- 46 years ago
- Jimmy Carter was the US president
On this date
Birth of Pierre Bretonneau had happened 200 years prior
Birth of Washington Irving had happened 195 years prior
Birth of Henry Luce had happened 80 years prior
Birth of Marlon Brando had happened 54 years prior
Birth of Virgil Ivan Grissom had happened 52 years prior
The Broadway Melody Wins Best Picture at the 1st Academy Awards had happened 48 years prior
Birth of Hikaru Saeki had happened 35 years prior
Birth of Tony Orlando had happened 34 years prior
Birth of Alec Baldwin had happened 20 years prior
Birth of Eddie Murphy had happened 17 years prior
Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me) had happened 7 years prior
Disco Lady had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 4202