Saturday September 1, 1979
Release of the album Marathon by Santana
45 years ago

Marathon album cover
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- 45 years ago
- Jimmy Carter was the US president
On this date
Stuyvesant High School opens in New York City as Manhattan's first manual trade school for boys had happened 75 years prior
World War II Begins had happened 40 years prior
Birth of Archie Bell had happened 35 years prior
Birth of Barry Gibb had happened 33 years prior
Filming of the movie Vertigo had happened 22 years prior
Birth of Christopher Ferguson had happened 18 years prior
Sheila had happened 17 years prior
Release of the album My Boyfriend's Back by The Angels had happened 16 years prior
Release of the album The Animals by The Animals had happened 15 years prior
Release of the album Procol Harum by Procol Harum (US) had happened 12 years prior
Release of the album Shine On Brightly by Procol Harum had happened 11 years prior
Release of the album Bread by Bread had happened 10 years prior
Release of the album Changing Times by Four Tops had happened 9 years prior
Release of the album Fireball by Deep Purple had happened 8 years prior
Release of the album Eldorado by Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) had happened 5 years prior
Release of the album Blues for Allah by Grateful Dead had happened 4 years prior
Release of the album In Color by Cheap Trick had happened 2 years prior
Release of the album Dog & Butterfly by Heart had happened 1 years prior
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ID: 5102