Monday January 14, 1980
Release of the album Permanent Waves by Rush
45 years ago

The background scene comes from a photo, taken by Flip Schulke, of the Galveston Seawall in Texas during Hurricane Carla on September 11, 1961.
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- 45 years ago
- Jimmy Carter was the US president
On this date
Birth of Andy Rooney had happened 61 years prior
Birth of Guy Williams had happened 56 years prior
Birth of Faye Dunaway had happened 39 years prior
Birth of Shannon Lucid had happened 37 years prior
I Can Dream, Can't I? was the #1 Single had happened 30 years prior
Death of Humphrey Bogart had happened 23 years prior
Birth of Dave Grohl had happened 11 years prior
Death of Peter Finch had happened 3 years prior
Baby Come Back had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 4660