Friday September 24, 1982
Release of the album Love over Gold by Dire Straits
42 years ago

Love over Gold Album Cover
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- 42 years ago
- Ronald Reagan was the US president
On this date
Birth of John Watts Young had happened 52 years prior
Birth of Phil Hartman had happened 34 years prior
Death of John Butler had happened 30 years prior
Cherish had happened 16 years prior
Release of the album Grateful Dead (Skull & Roses) by Grateful Dead had happened 11 years prior
Release of the album Caress of Steel by Rush had happened 7 years prior
Yes at The L.A. Forum had happened 5 years prior
Release of the album The Long Run by the Eagles had happened 3 years prior
Release of the album Something Special by Kool & the Gang had happened 1 years prior
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ID: 6752