Monday October 4, 1982
Release of the album Winds of Change by Jefferson Starship
42 years ago

Winds of Change album cover
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- 42 years ago
- Ronald Reagan was the US president
On this date
Inauguration of Warren G. Harding had happened 61 years prior
Birth of Charlton Heston had happened 59 years prior
Birth of Anne Rice had happened 41 years prior
Birth of Susan Sarandon had happened 36 years prior
New York Premiere of the movie An American in Paris had happened 31 years prior
Birth of Gregory Linteris had happened 25 years prior
Photo: Evald relaxing had happened 24 years prior
The first Jethro Tull album "This Was" is released had happened 14 years prior
Death of Janis Joplin had happened 12 years prior
Another One Bites the Dust had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 4948