No publicly viewable history to see for August 29, 1983

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On this date

Birth of Henry Bergh had happened 170 years prior
Birth of Ingrid Bergman had happened 68 years prior
Birth of Charles Walker had happened 35 years prior
Birth of Michael Jackson had happened 25 years prior
Birth of Chris Hadfield had happened 24 years prior
Birth of Thomas Marshburn had happened 23 years prior
War had happened 13 years prior
Birth of Kyle Cook had happened 8 years prior
Release of the album A by Jethro Tull had happened 3 years prior
Death of Ingrid Bergman had happened 1 years prior
  • La Bamba will happen in 4 years
  • Louisiana Hurricane Katrina DR-1603-LA will happen in 22 years
  • Release of the album V by Maroon 5 will happen in 31 years
  • Death of Ed Asner will happen in 38 years
  • August 29 on Wikipedia
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