Wednesday December 28, 1983

Release of the album KC Ten by KC and the Sunshine Band

41 years ago


KC Ten Album Cover
KC Ten Album Cover
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On this date

Birth of Woodrow Wilson had happened 127 years prior
Birth of Pops Staples had happened 69 years prior
Birth of Stan Lee had happened 61 years prior
Birth of Maggie Smith had happened 49 years prior
Birth of Edgar Winter had happened 37 years prior
Birth of Mary Weiss had happened 35 years prior
Birth of Hugh McDonald had happened 33 years prior
Birth of Denzel Washington had happened 29 years prior
Birth of Akihiko Hoshide had happened 15 years prior
Angie Baby had happened 9 years prior
  • Death of Harry Reid will happen in 38 years
  • In Memoriam 2023 will happen in 40 years
  • December 28 on Wikipedia
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    ID: 6581