Friday October 5, 1984
Launch of Space Shuttle Mission STS-41-G
40 years ago

STS-41-G mission patch
Commander Robert L. Crippen

Pilot Jon A. McBride
Mission Specialist 1 Kathryn D. Sullivan
Mission Specialist 2 Sally K. Ride

Mission Specialist 3 David C. Leestma

Payload Specialist 1 Paul D. Scully-Power
Payload Specialist 2 Marc Garneau

ERBS during deployment
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- 40 years ago
- Ronald Reagan was the US president
On this date
Birth of Robert Goddard had happened 102 years prior
Birth of Richard Gordon Jr. had happened 55 years prior
Birth of Steve Miller had happened 41 years prior
Birth of Brent Jett Jr. had happened 26 years prior
Release of the album Led Zeppelin III by Led Zeppelin had happened 14 years prior
I Honestly Love You had happened 10 years prior
Birth of Kate Winslet had happened 9 years prior
Birth of James Valentine had happened 6 years prior
Release of the album Reggatta de Blanc by The Police had happened 5 years prior
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ID: 5376