Thursday October 3, 1985
Launch of Space Shuttle Mission STS-51-J
39 years ago

STS-51-J mission patch

Commander Karol J. Bobko

Pilot Ronald J. Grabe

Mission Specialist 1 David C. Hilmers

Mission Specialist 2 Robert L. Stewart

Payload Specialist 1 William A. Pailes, MSE
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- 39 years ago
- Ronald Reagan was the US president
On this date
Birth of Charles Duke Jr. had happened 50 years prior
Birth of Norm Abram had happened 36 years prior
Birth of Kathryn Sullivan had happened 34 years prior
Debut of The Andy Griffith Show had happened 25 years prior
Launch of Mercury Mission Mercury-Atlas 8 (MA-8) had happened 23 years prior
Release of the album Zenyatta Mondatta by The Police had happened 5 years prior
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ID: 5436