Thursday September 29, 1988
Launch of Space Shuttle Mission STS-26
36 years ago

STS-26 mission patch
Commander Frederick H. Hauck
Pilot Richard O. Covey
Mission Specialist 1 John M. Lounge
Mission Specialist 2 David C. Hilmers
Mission Specialist 3 George D. Nelson
Mission Specialist 3 George D. Nelson

TDRS-3 after deployment
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- 36 years ago
- Ronald Reagan was the US president
On this date
Birth of Greer Garson had happened 84 years prior
Birth of Gene Autry had happened 81 years prior
Release of the Movie You Can't Take It with You had happened 50 years prior
Birth of Madeline Gail Wolfson (Madeline Kahn) had happened 46 years prior
Birth of James Halsell Jr. had happened 32 years prior
Release of the album Glorified Magnified by Manfred Mann's Earth Band had happened 16 years prior
We're an American Band had happened 15 years prior
The novel Firestarter by Stephen King Published had happened 8 years prior
Let's Go Crazy had happened 4 years prior
Release of the Chicago 18 by Chicago had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 5458