Wednesday August 16, 1989
Release of the album Special by The Temptations
35 years ago

Special album cover
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- 35 years ago
- George H.W. Bush was the US president
On this date
Birth of Stuart Roosa had happened 56 years prior
Birth of Valery Ryumin had happened 50 years prior
Birth of Robert "Squirrel" Lester had happened 47 years prior
Release of the movie Going My Way (Los Angeles) had happened 45 years prior
Birth of Peter Wisoff had happened 31 years prior
Watts riots end in Los Angeles community of Watts had happened 24 years prior
Woodstock Music Festival - Day 2 had happened 20 years prior
Release of the album The Temptations Do the Temptations by The Temptations had happened 13 years prior
Death of Elvis Presley had happened 12 years prior
Papa Don't Preach had happened 3 years prior
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ID: 6303