Tuesday September 19, 1989
Release of the album Merry, Merry Christmas by New Kids on the Block
35 years ago

Merry, Merry Christmas Album Cover
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- 35 years ago
- George H.W. Bush was the US president
On this date
Assassination of James Garfield had happened 108 years prior
Birth of Nick Massi had happened 62 years prior
Birth of David McCallum had happened 56 years prior
Birth of Bill Medley had happened 49 years prior
Birth of Cass Elliot had happened 48 years prior
Birth of Jereny Irons had happened 41 years prior
Birth of Nile Rodgers had happened 37 years prior
Birth of Richard Linnehan had happened 32 years prior
The Twist had happened 29 years prior
Birth of Tim Scott had happened 24 years prior
Ain't No Mountain High Enough had happened 19 years prior
Birth of Jimmy Fallon had happened 15 years prior
Release of the Movie Ordinary People had happened 9 years prior
Release of the Movie Amadeus had happened 5 years prior
I Just Can't Stop Loving You had happened 2 years prior
Release of the album New Jersey by Bon Jovi had happened 1 years prior
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ID: 6715