Monday May 14, 1990
Rush at Forum de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada
34 years ago

Packed! album cover
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- 34 years ago
- George H.W. Bush was the US president
On this date
Birth of Derek Leckenby had happened 47 years prior
Birth of George Lucas had happened 46 years prior
Birth of Donald McMonagle had happened 38 years prior
Birth of William Gregory had happened 33 years prior
Birth of C.C. DeVille had happened 28 years prior
Birth of James Kelly had happened 26 years prior
Birth of Cate Blanchett had happened 21 years prior
RIAA Certification - Honey Cone were awarded a Gold Record for their single "Want Ads" for sales of one million units. had happened 19 years prior
When I Need You had happened 13 years prior
Release of the album Chicago 17 by Chicago had happened 6 years prior
Anything for You had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 4667