Monday March 25, 1991
63rd Academy Awards
33 years ago
63rd Annual Academy Awards
Dances With Wolves Movie Poster
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- 33 years ago
- George H.W. Bush was the US president
On this date
Titan, largest moon of Saturn had happened 336 years prior
Birth of Joachim Murat had happened 224 years prior
Death of William Colgate had happened 134 years prior
Birth of Gutzon Borglum had happened 124 years prior
Coxey's Army had happened 97 years prior
Birth of Simone Signoret had happened 70 years prior
Birth of Eileen Ford had happened 69 years prior
Birth of Jim Lovell had happened 63 years prior
Benny Goodman - Down South Camp Meeting had happened 54 years prior
Birth of Elton John had happened 44 years prior
Birth of Lilian Fishburne had happened 42 years prior
26th Academy Awards had happened 37 years prior
Birth of Frank Ferrer had happened 25 years prior
Happy Together had happened 24 years prior
Release of the album Reflections by Diana Ross & The Supremes had happened 23 years prior
A Horse with No Name had happened 19 years prior
Release of the album Works Volume 1 by Emerson, Lake & Palmer (ELP) had happened 14 years prior
Amadeus wins Best Picture at the 57th Academy Awards had happened 6 years prior
The Candle Demonstration had happened 3 years prior
The Living Years had happened 2 years prior
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ID: 4231