Sunday November 22, 1992

Release of the album Unite by Kool & the Gang

32 years ago


Unite Album Cover
Unite Album Cover
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On this date

Death of George Ferris Jr. had happened 96 years prior
Birth of Geraldine Page had happened 68 years prior
Birth of Owen Garriott had happened 62 years prior
Birth of Robert Vaughn had happened 60 years prior
Birth of Guion Bluford had happened 50 years prior
Birth of Lawrence Gowan had happened 36 years prior
Birth of Jamie Lee Curtis had happened 34 years prior
Assassination of John F. Kennedy had happened 29 years prior
Rory Gallagher had happened 17 years prior
Release of the album Chic by Chic had happened 15 years prior
Human had happened 6 years prior
  • The ABCs of The Grateful Dead will happen in 30 years
  • November 22 on Wikipedia
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    ID: 6610