No publicly viewable history to see for June 20, 1994
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- 30 years ago
- Bill Clinton was the US president
On this date
West Virginia officially admitted as a U.S. State had happened 131 years prior
Birth of Ulf Merbold had happened 53 years prior
Birth of Brian Wilson had happened 52 years prior
Birth of James Buchli had happened 49 years prior
Birth of Dolores "LaLa" Brooks had happened 47 years prior
Birth of Alan Longmuir had happened 46 years prior
Birth of Lionel Richie had happened 45 years prior
Birth of Brian Duffy had happened 41 years prior
Birth of Michael Anthony had happened 40 years prior
Birth of John Taylor had happened 34 years prior
Frank Sinatra at Kiel Opera House, St. Louis, MO had happened 29 years prior
Birth of Nicole Kidman had happened 27 years prior
Release of the album Aoxomoxoa by Grateful Dead had happened 25 years prior
Release of the album Double Vision by Foreigner had happened 16 years prior
Stars on 45 (Medley) had happened 13 years prior
Release of the album Welcome to the Real World by Mr. Mister had happened 9 years prior
Head to Toe had happened 7 years prior
Release of the album Chicago 19 by Chicago had happened 6 years prior
Release of the album Mr. Big by Mr. Big had happened 5 years prior
I'll Be There had happened 2 years prior
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