Tuesday August 30, 1994
Release of the album II by Boyz II Men
30 years ago

II Album Cover
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- 30 years ago
- Bill Clinton was the US president
On this date
Birth of Shirley Booth had happened 96 years prior
Birth of Jack Swigert had happened 63 years prior
The RMS Queen Mary wins the Blue Riband by setting the fastest transatlantic crossing had happened 58 years prior
The Japanese occupation of Hong Kong comes to an end had happened 49 years prior
Death of Lenny Bruce had happened 28 years prior
Thurgood Marshall is confirmed as the first African American Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. had happened 27 years prior
Birth of K. Megan McArthur had happened 23 years prior
Get Down Tonight had happened 19 years prior
The novel The Dead Zone by Stephen King Published had happened 15 years prior
Sailing had happened 14 years prior
Launch of Space Shuttle Mission STS-8 had happened 11 years prior
STS-41-D - Space Shuttle Discovery takes off on its maiden voyage had happened 10 years prior
Higher Love had happened 8 years prior
Late Show with David Letterman debuts on CBS from The Ed Sullivan Theater had happened 1 years prior
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ID: 6431