Friday September 30, 1994
Aerosmith at The Summit, Houston, TX, USA
30 years ago

STS-68 mission patch

Commander Michael A. Baker

Pilot Terrence W. Wilcutt

Mission Specialist 1 Steven L. Smith

Mission Specialist 2 Daniel W. Bursch

Mission Specialist 3 Peter J.K. Wisoff
Mission Specialist 4 Thomas D. Jones

Left to right – Back row: Baker, Wilcutt; Front row: Jones, Wisoff, Smith, Bursch
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- 30 years ago
- Bill Clinton was the US president
On this date
Birth of John Phillips had happened 59 years prior
Birth of Marilyn McCoo had happened 51 years prior
Birth of Michel Tognini had happened 45 years prior
Death of James Dean had happened 39 years prior
Birth of Stephen Frick had happened 30 years prior
Release of the album A Pocket Full of Miracles by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles had happened 24 years prior
Birth of Marion Cotillard had happened 19 years prior
Kiss You All Over had happened 16 years prior
Death of Simone Signoret had happened 9 years prior
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ID: 4859