Friday April 17, 1998
Launch of Space Shuttle Mission STS-90
26 years ago

STS-90 mission patch

Commander Richard A. Searfoss

Pilot Scott D. Altman
Mission Specialist 1 Richard M. Linnehan

Mission Specialist 2 Kathryn P. Hire

Mission Specialist 3 Dafydd Williams
Payload Specialist 1 Jay C. Buckey

Payload Specialist 1 Jay C. Buckey

Payload Specialist 2 James A. Pawelczyk

Left to right – Front row: Altman, Searfoss; Back row: Pawelczyk, Linnehan, Hire, Williams, Buckey
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- 26 years ago
- Bill Clinton was the US president
On this date
Death of Benjamin Franklin had happened 208 years prior
Birth of J.P. Morgan had happened 161 years prior
Birth of William Holden had happened 80 years prior
Birth of Harry Reasoner had happened 75 years prior
33rd Academy Awards had happened 37 years prior
Landing of Apollo mission Apollo 13 had happened 28 years prior
Joy to the World had happened 27 years prior
Release of the album Nature Planned It by Four Tops had happened 26 years prior
Release of the album Desperado by the Eagles had happened 25 years prior
Birth of Victoria Beckham had happened 24 years prior
Landing of Space Shuttle Mission STS-56 had happened 5 years prior
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ID: 5729