Sunday May 24, 2009
Landing of Space Shuttle Mission STS-125
15 years ago
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May 24, 2009 on Wikipedia Current Event Portal
- 15 years ago
- Barack Obama was the US president
On this date
Birth of Queen Victoria had happened 190 years prior
Birth of Tommy Chong had happened 71 years prior
Birth of Bob Dylan had happened 68 years prior
Birth of Patti LaBelle had happened 65 years prior
Birth of Barbara Harrison had happened 64 years prior
Birth of Ronald Parise had happened 58 years prior
Launch of Mercury Mission Mercury-Atlas 7 had happened 47 years prior
Get Back had happened 40 years prior
Shining Star had happened 34 years prior
Release of the album Disco Fever by The Sylvers had happened 30 years prior
Release of the album The Hunter by Blondie had happened 27 years prior
Release of the album Listen to the Message by Club Nouveau had happened 21 years prior
Release of the Movie Braveheart had happened 14 years prior
MMMBop had happened 12 years prior
Take a Bow had happened 1 years prior
May 24, 2009 on Wikipedia Current Event Portal
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ID: 5820