- 10 years ago
- Barack Obama was the US president
On this date
Birth of Norma Shearer had happened 112 years prior
Release of the Movie The Life of Emile Zola had happened 77 years prior
Birth of Steve Wozniak had happened 64 years prior
Birth of Frederick Sturckow had happened 53 years prior
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do had happened 52 years prior
Watts riots begin in Los Angeles community of Watts had happened 49 years prior
Release of the album C'est Chic by Chic had happened 36 years prior
Ghostbusters had happened 30 years prior
Landing of Space Shuttle Mission STS-43 had happened 23 years prior
Beautiful Girl had happened 7 years prior
August 11, 2014 on Wikipedia Current Event Portal
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ID: 4036