Tuesday November 4, 1975
Release of the album House Party by The Temptations
49 years ago
House Party album cover
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- 49 years ago
- Gerald Ford was the US president
On this date
Death of Felix Mendelssohn had happened 128 years prior
Birth of Will Rogers had happened 96 years prior
Birth of Ruth Handler had happened 59 years prior
Birth of Art Carney had happened 57 years prior
Birth of Scherrie Payne had happened 31 years prior
Birth of Laura Lane Welch had happened 29 years prior
Birth of Penny McLean had happened 27 years prior
Birth of James Honeyman-Scott had happened 19 years prior
Birth of Kathy Griffin had happened 15 years prior
Birth of Matthew McConaughey had happened 6 years prior
I Can See Clearly Now had happened 3 years prior
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ID: 6290