Monday November 4, 1985
Release of the album Done with Mirrors by Aerosmith
39 years ago

Done with Mirrors album cover
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- 39 years ago
- Ronald Reagan was the US president
On this date
Death of Felix Mendelssohn had happened 138 years prior
Birth of Will Rogers had happened 106 years prior
Birth of Ruth Handler had happened 69 years prior
Birth of Art Carney had happened 67 years prior
Birth of Scherrie Payne had happened 41 years prior
Birth of Laura Lane Welch had happened 39 years prior
Birth of Penny McLean had happened 37 years prior
Birth of James Honeyman-Scott had happened 29 years prior
Birth of Kathy Griffin had happened 25 years prior
Birth of Matthew McConaughey had happened 16 years prior
I Can See Clearly Now had happened 13 years prior
Release of the album House Party by The Temptations had happened 10 years prior
You Needed Me had happened 7 years prior
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ID: 4840